Gary DeMichele
Media Page
                                                                        Interviews Radio and TV

Background photo

Fasching Jazz Club,
Gary DeMichele at the green piano.
1)  WGN Chicago Radio,
              Roy Leonard (1996)
              Stanley Tucci and Gary DeMichele

2)  WBEZ Chicago
               Interview 'Artistic License' Interviewer: Victoria Lauptman
               3 composer interview : Gary DeMichele,Rokko Jans,Doug Lofstrom
               Composers interview on Film Scoring

3) SNN Television ,Sarasota,Fl
             Interviewer : Scott Draper
             Gary DeMichele Interview

4) ABC Television,Chicago,
            Special segment Interviewer : Vince Gerasole
            Gary DeMichele Interview

5)Canadian Broadcasting

6) Swedish Radio P2 (2024)
                   Feature film composer